

abolition democracy 61 W.E.B. DeBois’s idea of 61

academic discourse 200 academic excellence 198 academic journal 201 accountability 146 activism 223

Adams, M. 151
Adlam, C. 151
Adsit-Morris, C. 220
advocacy 76
aesthetic qualities 223
African slave trade 210
aggressive mitigation measures 111 Akporiaye,A. 121

Allison, E. 172 alternative realities 229 Ambedkar, B.R. 56 analytical thinking 103 Anantharaman, M. 44, 55 annotation activity 163 Anthropocene 38, 40

framework 37–8
anthropogenic climate change 38, 82 anthropogenic emissions 113 anthropogenic feedback 212 anti-Apartheid movements 26 anti-dialogical action 44 anti-individualism 222

urban waste management to 157 anti-racist classroom 260 Aptheker, B. 249
Armiero, M. 39

assimilation, gates of 216
astronomy 215
astrophysicists 215
asynchronous courses 250–51, 255 audience, needs and opportunities 167 authenticity 239

autonomy 76, 78
Ayurveda 182
ayurvedic healing tradition of India 184

Bali Roadmap 83
band-aid solution 111 bargaining 231
bargaining power dynamics 132 belonging 234

and contribution 263 experiment in building 192 issues of 190
sense of 190–91, 234, 242

Bemdoni 135–6, 138, 142 Bernstein, S. 24
Beuys, J. 222
biophysical sciences 210–11, 234 BlackAmericans 56

Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) 258

community 195
Black Lives Matter movement 263 Black racial tradition 60
Black radical ethic of action 61
Black radical tradition 46, 48, 53, 55–56,

Bloom’s taxonomy of learning

objectives 85 book knowledge 261

brainstorming strategy 56 breath meditation 177, 180–181 Brown, A. M. 214
bushes 151

Camp Fire 208
capital accumulation 44 capitalism 44
capitalist world system 39 Capitalocene 38–40

critique of Anthropocene 39

framework 38
carbon credit market 16


authentic listening 238–9 authentic science curriculum 240


Teaching environmental justice

carbon dioxide removal technologies 113 carbon neutrality 89, 113

carbon offsets 150
carbon removal strategies 110 carbon sinks 25, 113
care-taking obligations 51 Carnegie Climate Geoengineering

Governance Initiative 112 Carruthers, D. 25

annotation 162–3, 166 artists 163
publish final 164
with participants 163

cartoonathon 162, 164 description of 160 events 164

chakras 182
charitable case 215 Chiapaneco government 24 CITRIS Tech for Social Good

program 200 civil rights 26, 56

class and workshops 154
class assignments 97, 154
class discussion 63
classroom 150, 159, 167, 211, 214, 218,

244 belonging 199

community 262
conversations 78 deliberations 67
discussions and activities 255 dismantling hierarchies in 214 equity and inclusion in 236 equity challenge in 64

equity in 29
experience 235
mindful moments in 265 negotiations in 142
positive change 232
practices 173
to global negotiations on climate

change 159 climate and disasters 159

climate action 73–4, 76, 264
costs and benefits of 74
design and implementation of 74 equity and justice dimensions of 89

justice effects of 74 relationship between 76 types of 67

climate activism history of 83

climate adaptation 72 strategy 151

climate anxiety 172, 264
climate change 38, 84, 92, 172–3, 187,

206, 221, 235, 264
and environmental degradation 173 challenges of 173
curriculum 210
drivers of 111
ecological effects of 235
effects of 81
global challenge of 81
global governance of 81
knowing about 85
mitigation 259
plants and animals caused by 235 policy 104
portfolio of responses to 112
post hoc effects of 76
relationship with 93
root causes of 76
solutions to 233
technologies to 103 temperature-related impacts of 111

climate crisis 71–3, 76 climate engineering 110, 251

technologies 112 climate gentrification 73 climate governance 95

studies of 26
climate inequalities 71 climate injustice 38, 39

causes of 76 climate justice 67, 72

alternative projects 68
and youth activism 83
arguments and interventions 72 articulations of 76
background readings and references 69 challenges of pursuing 78
climate action to 76
common challenges 78–9
contentions over 73
conversations and reflections on 97 course on 68

dimensions of 72 disproportionate emphasis on 73 learning objectives 69 multidimensionality of 71 public engagement for 77
public engagement on 251 scope of 73
understanding of 73
warrants 74

climate mitigation techniques 111

climate negotiations 83
Climate Overshoot Commission 112 climate politics 82

equity dimensions of 83
ethical and political dimensions of 81 ethical dimensions of 97

Climate Politics Exercise (CPE) 81 and online teaching 82 components 82
draft resolution for 101 experience with 97

goals and components 89
in asynchronous and online learning

environments 95 in ESPM 169 87

learning objectives 84 materials 86
online background materials 86 online version of 95
options for extension and

adjustment 94
overview of assignments/exercises 89 students’ reflections about 93 suggested background reading 85 Summer 2021 88–9, 91
version of 95

climate-related shocks impacts of 160

climate response 110 climate risks 157–8, 160 Coates, T. 61 co-creation

listening and 161

process 164
cohort-based course design 252, 255 co-learning 257
collaboration 235
collaborative environment 232 collaborative knowledge building 217

College Eight program 193 College Eight Wiki 193–4 college science training 240 colonial history

legacies of 72
colonialism 72, 84, 198 colonial land management 151 colonial powers 206, 212 colonization

European 206 combustion

physics of 209 commodifiable property 25 commodity

picking your 58–9

researching your 59 common but differentiated responsibilities 90

authentic relational connection

between 216 of belonging 258

of patterns 215 community

engaged research 234, 236–9 gatherings and public events 222 of practice 236, 238
partners 233, 236, 239

community-based organizations 24 community cultural 217
community engagement forum 135–37,

community of inquiry (COI) 95–96 community partners 132 community volunteers 220 complexity

intermediate level of 94 conceptual art 222 conceptual interests 134 construction labour 52 consumer behaviors 191 consumer goods 54 consumption

global economic processes of 55 contemplative pedagogy 173, 175 contemplative practice 173, 186

benefits of 179 consistent 179 experience with 177, 180 familiarity with 180




Teaching environmental justice

in classroom 178–80
into environmental politics

classroom 173 regular 179

use of 173
contemporary environmental policy 145 contemporary wildfire catastrophe 208 contemporary wildfire science 207 content knowledge 192
continuity 64
contract language 133
contract negotiation 122
conventional academic research 200 CopenhagenAccord 83
corporate groups 130, 133, 141
Correa, R. 197
counterhegemonic knowledge

production 16 counterhegemonic movements 16 counter-storytelling 45
course design 251–2
course learning 152, 245
COVID-19 6, 9–10, 12, 70, 89–91, 101,

195, 221, 251, 255 creativity, waves of 214

credibility of sources 193 credit-bearing online courses 250 critical pedagogy 74
Critical Race and Ethnic Studies

(CRES) 260 critical theory 225

critical thinking 35, 121, 218, 241 skills, development of 103

criticlality 223 Crutzen, P. J. 37 cultivate resilience 173 cultural artifacts 27 cultural barriers 29 cultural burn 154 cultural burning 150 cultural context 28 cultural educators 151 cultural fire 145, 154

application of 151, 153, 155 definition of 155
in classroom 145 practitioners 145 workshops 153

cultural hegemony 25 cultural influence 31

cultural product 27 culture 22, 278

around deforestation 27 music and 16, 18 shapes knowledge 26

curiosity, waves of 214 curriculum 195

development 242
custom-designed alternative projects 68

Daniel, K. J. 214
Davis, A. 61 decolonization 145–46, 213 deconstructive process 225 democracy 26, 56 deployment of humor 157 Dernavich, D. 163

design, applied and practical aspects of 228

developing identities 242–3 development, focus on economic

growth 44
developmental interventions 137 developmental investments 138 development practice 44
diplomacy, formality and technicalities

of 83
disaster response 166

disciplinary history 212
discomfort and avoidance 241 discourse 19
dismantling hierarchies 214
diverse knowledge 215–17
diversity and agency 30
diversity of learners 210
domestic justice 259
dominant-culture curriculum 44 dominant culture narratives 45 dominant economic imaginaries 51, 55 dominant policy frameworks 50 Doshi, S. 257
draft briefing 116
draft resolution 93–4

international negotiation of 81

versions of 94 DuBois, W.E.B. 55, 61 Dunkin, R. 54, 240 Durban Platform 83

eco-anxiety 264

eco-cultural restoration projects 153 ecological degradation 191 ecological education 172
ecology 234, 235

career in 233

graduate school in 235 eco-mindfulness 260, 264 economic commodity 25 economic growth 44 economic justice 73 economic models 228, 231

fundamental assumptions in 229 economic policy 230
economics 228
education 223

aspects of 179 banking model of 224 institution of 214 institutions 220
sites and practices 224 turn 224, 225

educational charity 215
educational equity in online learning 255 educational mission 254
educational psychology 199
education pedagogy 210
education research 244
educators, background for 53
embodied mindfulness meditation 259 embodied practices 257, 261, 267 embodied self-care 264
emotions, discussion and processing

of 211
energy and waste 229

engagement gateway for 236 importance of 239 practices 234

enslavement 72 environment 19 environmental advocacy

organizations 111 environmental cataclysm 264

environmental change, scientific research on 236

environmental concern 191 environmental crises 15 environmental degradation 173, 267

and biodiversity loss 182 climate change and 173

environmental discourse 22, 200 environmental economics 121, 141,

environmental engagement 174 environmental ethics scholars 96 environmental governance 15

approaches to 24

literature on 23
environmental harm 55 environmental human rights 195 environmental impact assessments

(EIAs) 121, 128 environmental inequalities 149 environmental inequities 53 environmental injustice 16, 39, 45

climate chaos and 172
environmental issues 190 environmental justice 26–7, 53, 67, 104,

121, 129, 141, 149–50, 192–3,

195, 200, 210–11, 213, 221, 257 community 200

courses on 17
engagement 169
field of 200
grading 41
movements 27
perspective on 200
project instructions 40
reflections on addressing common

challenges 41 report back and full class discussion 41

research 195

socioecological epochs 37 environmental justice pedagogy 258 environmental management 16, 27, 30

hegemonic, neoliberal approach to 25 environmental movement 191 environmental policy 104

and justice 157
environmental politics 121, 141, 157,

169, 187 classroom 179

students of 172
environmental scholarship 192 environmental science 31 environmental studies, multidisciplinary

field of 40 epochal framework 35

epochs 39–40



274 Teaching environmental justice

equity 234
challenges and reflections on 64 emphasis on 35
goals of 255
in classroom 29, 118, 154, 187 in the classroom: perspectives 96 issues of 195
reflections on 96

ethical economic imaginary 53 ethical gap 96
ethic of action 55, 60–63
ethic of care 68

ethics bowl 103, 116 discussion 114 exercise 114

ethnographic scholarship 29
eugenics 209
European colonization 150, 209 evacuation orders 164
experiential learning 145, 193, 198, 201,

221, 244 exploitation, forms of 72

face-to-face negotiations 130 facilitation, levels of 237 facilitative leadership 235 faculty mentorship 196 faculty training 242 feminism 249

feminist economics 230
to classroom 232
to teach environmental economics 230

fire 151, 213, 211 suppression 149

First Nations’ environmental justice 30 Fontana, N. 151
foreign direct investment 134

injection of 128
forest management 149
forest mismanagement 149 formalization 52
Forum for Climate Engineering

Assessment 112 foster critical thinking 74

foundational curriculum 241 Freire, P. 44, 224
Fuentes, A. 199 Fuentes-George, K. 15 funders 152

funding 154

fund raising 196

gathering principles 63 geoengineering 102

forms of 110
geological epoch 37 Gibson-Graham, J. K. 51
gig economy 50
Gilmore, W. 262
global change 234
global climate change 38, 235

courses on 104
global climate governance 83
global climate injustice 97
global climate justice 96
global coal ban 102
global development 45
global environmental change 235 global environmental degradation 172 global environmental governance 96 Global Environmental Justice

Observatory (GEJO) 190, 192–3,

195, 200 interns 196

internship 201
global ethics dilemmas 96
global governance 104
global inequalities 83
global informal waste economies 54 globalism 221
Global North 50, 158

responsibility of 72 global political economy 47 global politics 85, 95

power and interests in 83 Global South 50, 72

domestic political and economic systems within 72

governments in 72

internal colonialism within 72 global warming 106
global waste work 54
Goldman, Emma 187 GoodGriefNetwork 172 governance 121

dynamics 143
framing and discourses on 23 of natural resources 128

grassroots recyclers 50 green education 194

greenhouse emissions 83 grievances 128
group conflict 141
group learning 46 group-work 64

guest lectures 194 guided visualization 183

Hankins, D. 153 Haraway, D. 39 hatha yoga 181 healthy system

components of 209 hegemonic power 29 Hemphill, P. 257
hidden curriculum 241, 247 higher education 258

decolonization of 260

reevaluation and reimagination of 221 historical injustices 96
Hoffman, M. 191
Holdren, J. 238

Homo-economicus 230, 232
host community 129–32, 139–40

during the public comment session 132

groups 142
members 132 relationships with 128 voice of 132

Huitzilopochtli 215 human behaviour 230 human community 239

context of 234
human-environment relationships 37, 39 human habitation 160
humanity 230
humans 230
humor 166

addressing common challenges 167 cartoon annotation 162 cartoonathon 160
description of 157

for inclusive climate resilence 158 for serious endeavors 167
goal of using 167
learning objectives 157

power of 157
shared experience of 157, 165 substance 163

unity in diversity 165 humor-based approaches 157 Hurtado, S. 192

illegal dumping 150 immigration 221
imperialism 84
in-class debriefing exercise 104 inclusive pedagogy 192 inclusive teaching 98 inclusivity 234–35

indentured labor 72
indigeneity 30
Indigenous communities 233 Indigenous cultural burning 151 Indigenous epistemologies 146, 150–51 indigenous knowledge 166

Indigenous knowledge 146 Indigenous land stewardship

education about 152
Indigenous-led projects 153
Indigenous people 16, 23–4, 25, 30, 75,

83, 94, 146, 150, 155, 206, 212,

216, 219, 262, 266 Indigenous resilience 153

indigenous self-determination 155 Indigenous Studies 146 indigenous territory 27
individual behavior 230 individualism and community 52 individual vs. collective action 61 industrialization 84

process of 71 resources for 72 victims of 72

industrial waste 39 inequality 44, 52, 55, 96 inequity 234
informal economy 47, 48 informal employees 50 informality 52
informal recyclers 50 informal waste 51, 54–55 informal work 50–53

decriminalization 51 informal workers 45, 50, 53, 55

ethical engagement with 46

problems for 51
initial contracts 131 initial draft resolution 85




Teaching environmental justice

inmate firefighters 207 in-person institution 250 inquiry-based course design 245 inquiry-based curriculum 240 inquiry-based learning 244 institutional change 233 institutional collaborators 152 institutional critique 223 institutional infrastructures 223 institutionalized racism 224 institutionally reinforced power

hierarchies 128 institutional reform 221

institutions 224 instructor-designed rubrics 250 intellectual maturity 241 interdisciplinary topical clusters

(ITCs) 194 inter-generational injustices 72 intergenerational justice 72 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

Change (IPCC) 112 international climate actions 82, 97 international climate justice

advocacy of 72
international climate negotiations 72 international climate politics 97 international climate regime 82, 94 international community 97 international credit 134
international environmental justice 259 international environmental politics 81,

98 issues of 81

international financial institution 135 international governance 24 international justice 72
International Labor Organization 51 international negotiations

asymmetrical capacity in 84

outcomes of 83
international political economy 141 international politics 92 international relations 104 intersectionality 226
inter-species injustices 72 interventionist mindset 44 introspection 229, 232

Jacob, M. J. 221

JEDI (Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion) 238

Jim Crow laws 207 jingoistic nationalism 29 joke 169
justice 76

emphasis on 35

Kaprow, A. 222–3
Kashwan, P. 67
Keepers of the Flame project 145–46,

151–55 development of 152

King, M. L. 55, 61, 169 Kirman, P. 27
knowing 209, 216 knowledge

co-creators and agents of 217

music and culture as 18 Kohl, H. 224
Kolden, C. 206
Kroeker, K. 233

Kwon, M. 222 Kyoto Protocol 83

labor 50, 51, 54
laboring, modes of 53
Lamat research training program 217 land-based projects 152
landscape care 146
landscape governance 146
landscape restoration 146

projects 146
landscape stewardship tool 150 land stewardship 213

techniques 155
laughter 157, 163, 165, 169 leadership and support 254 leadership skills 196
learn by doing strategies 84 learning 180, 186, 219, 245

benefits of asynchronous 251 communities 215
community 201
educational technologies 253 environments 217, 255 experiences 201, 250

goals 252
in class 266
institutional collaboration to 254

objectives 35, 122 physics 218 process of 218

learning management system (LMS) 254 Leopold, A. 172
liberatory 53
Liminal Spaces 195

listening 216, 234, 238–9 and co-creating 161 authentic 238 information by 237

to communities of practice 238 longitudinal assessment 211 Loss and Damage Protocol 83 Lu, F. 190, 192, 197–8, 203 lyrics 29

machine-made production 37 management skills 196
Mann Gulch Fire 207 Manning, B. R.M. 145 marginalization 160 marginalized communities 30 marginalized groups 72 Martinez, D. 151

material extraction 54 material reality 23 Maunakea 216, 219 meditation 181

apps 177, 180

contemplative practices and 187 meditative practice 178 Menakem, R. 260–61
mental health 197

crisis 262 mentoring 219 program 217

microaggressions 262 microeconomics 228 military adventurism 29 mind 184

-body practices 257 mindful moments 265 mindfulness 178

meditation 180

practices 257, 266 mindful walking 178 mineral exploitation 121 mineral mining 143 Model UN format 81

Monchinski, T. 76
money 216 monocrop/monoculture forests 39 Moore, J. W. 54
Moreno-Cruz, J. 103, 228 multigenerational learning 155 multiracial democracy 61
music 15, 22, 166

and cultural narrative 30
and culture 16, 18
and social movements 17
in social movements and protest 20 sonic elements of 26

musical knowledge production 15, 31 mutual curiosity 218
mutual interest 152

narratives 231
nationally determined contributions

(NDCs) 112
Native American and Indigenous Studies

(NAIS) 146, 150
stewardship and environmental policy

courses in 146 Native Studies course 152

natural breathing 263 natural disasters 209
natural environment 30, 230 natural resource 134

extraction 134
environmental impact of 138

governance 123–7, 129–30, 132, 140–141, 143

background readings and resources 123

classroom equity reflections 143

common challenges 140 company reports 126 contracts 124
deliverables 130
extension options 141
issue background 127 learning objectives 122 multimedia resources 127 negotiation process 132 political economy 123 power works in 121
project instructions 129 public comment session 132




Teaching environmental justice

socioeconomic and environmental impacts

of oil extraction 125 stakeholder engagement 126

natural resources 27, 138 management 16 politics 122

natural sciences 234 nature 25

-based approaches solutions 110

journaling 211
negative emissions technologies 110 negotiation 231

process 129, 132, 141
passive role during 141

rules of 133

structure to 132 negotiation/stakeholder videos 131

net zero emissions 113
Niger Delta 16
non-agricultural employment 50 non-STEM disciplines 243 non-white bodies, devaluation of 44 not knowing 241

and STEM identity 241
as pedagogy 244
assessing 246
discussing 245
experiences with 246
learning objectives to teach 245 practicing 246

productive 243, 244 types of 243

oceanic biodiversity 113
oil extraction 122
oil extractivism 197
oil multinational instructions 136–7 oil production 135

O’Neill, K. 81
online courses 253, 266

community building in 253 online education 250

aims of 251
online learning 252, 253, 254

continuation of 255
features of 255
opportunities for 252 students benefiting from 251

online pedagogy specialists 95

online teaching form 94 oppression 61, 64 organizational prejudices 160 Osborne, T. 257

ownership, sense of 234

Padgett, J. 194
pandemic lockdowns 97
parallel negotiation rooms 89 parasympathetic nervous system 179 Paris Agreement 81, 83–4, 101–2,

112–13, 264 temperature targets 113

participatory art 224 participatory democracy 222 participatory process 165 Patel, R. 54
pedagogical interests 134 peer-to-peer engagement 251 peer-to-peer feedback 250 Pellow, D. 34
personal resilience 181 Peshkam, A. 199 petroleum-sharing contract 135 physical health 197 place-based relationships 155 planet tinkering 111 Plantationocene 39–40
podcast 196
policymaking 23
policy proposals 104
political ecology 146, 195, 259 political economy 54, 258

of natural resources 121
political frameworks 15–16, 23, 28 political power 71
political warfare 188
politicized somatics 260
popular media 68
positive feedback 218
post-consumer waste 50 post-COVID-19 economic recovery 101 post-negotiation strategies 133
poverty 52

alleviation 46
and environmental degradation 138 and unsustainability 45
knowledge about 45

power 19, 75, 209 asymmetries 158

dynamics 133
hierarchies 121, 128 hierarchies of 44 imbalances 129
in negotiations and decision

making 143
in the international arena 92
of agency and cooperation 97
racial and imperial hierarchies of 52 structures 206

pre-pandemic 155 presentation 28

content and quality of 59–60 problem places 44
problem solving 218
product, global consumption of 54 production 54–55 production-consumption systems 54 production sharing contract 130 productive not knowing 243–4 professionalization skills 192 progressive education 224 project-based learning 246, 250 project instructions 40

projects 28, 193
project’s core learning objectives 104 public art 223
public comment sessions 128
public debate 44
public engagement 69, 77

projects 67–8, 72, 79
public institutions 220–21
public space 51
public waste management services 50 publishing 229

quality control process 196

race and class 29, 190 racial capitalism 40

theorists of 44
Racial Capitalocene 40 racialized groups 50 racialized violence 262 racial minorities 73
racial vs. reform solutions 61 racism 206

notion of 262
racist violations 264 radical pedagogies 221

radical resilience 264
radical transformation 261
radicial pedagogical potenialities 225 Rajan, R. 190, 192–6, 201 Ramirez-Ruiz, E. 214
reality 228
real-world contract negotiations 129 recyclables, value chains for 50 recycled wastewater 25
recycling bins 54
recycling processes 54
REDD+ program 24
redistribution of gains 230
refining our principles 63
reflection paper 131
reflective writing 259
relational learning 217–19
relational stewardship partner 150 relationships, focus on 231
religious rituals 178
remote sensing 210
reparation 45–46, 53, 55–6, 61 repressive governments 250 research-based curriculum 240 research community 104
resilience 173–74, 179–81, 183, 258

interventions 73

practices of 263 resource-dependent economies 122 resource-led development 127 resource managers 233
resource prioritization 217 resource revenue 137 resource-value-waste chain 53–4

inquiry exercise 58
restrictive gender roles 264
rewards collaboration 103
Rio Conference (1992) 24
risk communication 169
Rogers, S. 95
Rogoff, I. 223–4
roleplaying 98
royalty/tax (concession) agreement 130 Rubiano-Galvis, S. 81

safety protocols 154 safe water 73 sanitation 73 Saro-Wiwa, K. 16 scaffolding 45, 218




Teaching environmental justice

degrees of 219
Schilt, C. 200
Schlosberg, D. 25
scholarship in natural sciences 233 school closures and disruptions 221 science classrooms 240

science communication 235, 237 and engagement 235
training 236–7

science curriculum 242 science educator 209 science engagement 235 science pedagogy 210 scientific community 215 scientific knowledge 82

pursuit of 217 self-assimilation 215 self-reflexivity

practice and value of 217 semi-permanent housing 212
sense of belonging 96–8, 191–2, 242–3,

263, 267 sense of care 263

service-learning opportunities 225 settler colonialism 27, 145, 149, 153 shared interests 129
sharing resources 217

Shibata, R. 197, 198, 199
simulation 81, 84, 89, 92, 121–3, 129,

131, 135, 141–2 site protection 150

skepticism 24
skill-based competencies 249 skyscrapers 228
slavery 56, 72
small groups 63
social art practices 224
social class groups 38
social engagement 174
social focus 228
social inequalities 74
social inequities 53, 209
social injustice 45, 121, 133, 206 social isolation 221
social justice 53, 73, 221, 257, 260

pedagogy 258
social location 64
socially engaged art (SEA) 221–3

categorization and evaluation of 223 methods and practices 225

practices 223 social movements 16 social power 261

relations 258
social practice 221
social relations 53
social science 228, 234 social sculpture 222
social system 234–35 societal change 233 socio-cultural standpoint 222 socioecological crisis 38 socioecological epochs 37 socioeconomic disparities 73 sociopolitical knowledge

within community 30 sociopolitical power 30

structure 28 socio-political unrest 135 soft technologies 173 solar geoengineering

addressing common challenges 116 aspects about 113
basic science of 104
debate surrounding 113 deployment of 113–14

description of 103
discussions of 104
grading 116
instructors on 104
international attention to 112 judges scoring sheet 116
potential methods for achieving 113 research on 103, 111–12

research vs. deployment of 114 rules 115
science and distributional impacts

of 114 strategies 110

technologies 112–13 Solnit, R. 22–3 somatics 257

abolitionism 260–61 politicized 260 practices 257, 262, 267 trauma-informed 259

song and movement context 28 songs 29

of choice 29 sovereign debt 134

space rules 51
Spencer, C. 224
spiritual poverty 61
Springsteen, B. 29
stakeholder engagement 121, 142

activities 130

components of 122 stakeholder partners 133 stakeholders 160 stakeholder support 129 statement of values 62–63 STEM

careers 242 community 242 disciplines 243 identity 242

stem identity
not knowing and 241

stewardship practices 210 stewardship techniques 152 Stoermer, E. 37
storytelling 22

description of 23
stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) 111

proponents of 111
structural inequalities 209 structural inequities 206, 212 student belonging 234–35, 239 student collaboration 40 student cultural presentation

of song/songs 15
student engagement 239
student experimentation 232 student learning 116
student-led projects 193, 196, 198 students 54–6, 186

and community volunteers 220
as knowledge producers 192, 197, 199 background reading 40
cost and personal sacrifice for 251 dynamic with 143
engagement 64
evaluations 182
feedback 93
feedback from 93
in-class preparatory time for 103
in CRES program 260
in environmental policy 150
in-person learning 253
interests and creative 35

interns 196
learning activity for 52
learning experiences of 251
of environmental politics 179
of working-class backgrounds 260 sense of belonging 191 sensitivities of 195
types of 210

student wellbeing 251–3, 255 Suarez, P. 157
subsidies 230
substantive disagreements 64 success 153

Sunrise Movement and Fridays for Future 78

supply and demand, natural forces of 51 supply chain inquiry exercise 54 sustainability 45
sustainable development 53, 55

goals (SDGs) 50–52, 55 practice 45, 56

description of 44 learning objectives 46 suggested background

readings 46 symbolic representations 16

sympathetic nervous system, 179

tai chi 178, 180 target audiences 23 Tarvin, D. 167 Tassio, M. 249 teaching 45, 229

comfortable 244

staff 86
technology 166
Tending and Gathering Garden

(TGG) 153 termination shock 111

terrestrial biodiversity 113
Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) 216 threshold concepts 74
time management 196
traditional classrooms 92
traditional debate 114
traditional ecological knowledge 198 traditional knowledge 82
traditional lecture 245 transformation 214
transformative change 213




Teaching environmental justice

transformative education 257 trauma-informed somatics 259 trauma-informed therapy 263 Tsing, A. 39

Tucker, J. L. 44, 55 Tuskegee Syphilis Study 209

UC Berkeley virtual learning platform 96

UC Santa Cruz SC 196, 198, 201, 220 UN Clean Development Mechanism 51 unequal exchange 47
UN Framework Convention on Climate

Change (UNFCCC) 81–2, 96

addressing climate injustice 92 negotiation 81
process 84

United States 101
sovereign government of 25

unity in diversity 165
University of Arizona (UA) 264 University of California Undergraduate

Experience Survey

(UCUES) 190
University of Connecticut (UConn) 67 urban planning 45, 166
US criminal justice system 207

Vagnoni, C. 200
Vajrayana Buddhism 180
value distribution 54
value judgment 31
values exercise 62–3
value systems 17
value-waste chain inquiry exercise 54 Van Der Kolk, B. 260
Van Haneghan, J. 95
Vipassana meditation 258, 262 virtual global governance curve 96 visualization practice 181, 183

visual sharing 154
vocations vs. professions 61
voices spanning 165
voting on principles 63
vulnerability, social construction of 160

wage labour 52 waste 50

afterlives of 54 economies 46, 54 energy and 229 picking 52

Wasteocene 39–40 wastepickers 48

organization 56

stories 56
water contamination 150 Watts, R. 224
weaving threads approach 166 web-based observatory 192 Webster, D.G. 121
Wendt, A. 23
West, C. 55, 61
Western liberalism 26
white body supremacy 263 wicked political problem 84 wilderness 207
wildfires 207

disaster 208, 212 impacts of dueling 208 potential for 212 science 209

Woolsey Fire 208 workshops 154 World Bank 23

yoga 178, 180, 182 Young, T. 220
youth movements 78

Zieger, A. 197