About Teaching Environmental Justice

Edited by Sikina Jinnah, Jessie Dubreuil, Jody Greene and Samara S. Foster

Learn more and order print and digital copies on the book page on the Edward Elgar Website

‘What an absolutely phenomenal resource! Jinnah, Dubreuil, Greene, and Foster have pulled together an incredible and diverse collection of experiments, projects, practices, and reflections on teaching environmental justice. There is so much here to motivate, engage, and inspire students – and to address the injustices they face. I can’t wait to get it into the classroom.’

– David Schlosberg, University of Sydney, Australia


In this unique and eclectic collection, an esteemed team of scholars charts the pedagogical domain of environmental justice. Drawing on experience from multiple branches of the physical and social sciences, they give teachers theoretical and practical tools for engaging students in understanding and realizing a more just and sustainable world.’

– Paul G. Harris, Education University of Hong Kong


‘It is high time for this brilliant and innovative book that teaches us how to teach environmental justice creatively, collaboratively, and across disciplines. Environmental justice is one of the most urgent matters of our times – and teaching is the most important and powerful tool we have to achieve it. The authors and collaborators provide us with an inspiring and invaluable repertoire of tools, projects, experiences, and reflections to meet this challenge in the classroom and beyond.’

– Fariborz Zelli, Lund University, Sweden


This ground-breaking book presents interdisciplinary educators with classroom tools and strategies to integrate environmental justice into their courses. Providing accessible, flexible, and evidence-based pedagogical approaches designed by a multidisciplinary team of scholars, it centers equity and justice in student learning and course design. It further presents a model for community-based faculty development that can communicate those pedagogical approaches across disciplines.

Key Features:

  • Reflection on how to teach inclusively across disciplines, with a focus on community-based faculty development.

  • Presentation of a blend of insights from diverse disciplines, including art, astronomy, ecology, economics, history, political science, and online education.

  • A focus on how to stimulate student engagement to improve students’ empirical and conceptual understanding of environmental politics.

  • Detailed instructions for both introductory and more advanced active learning assignments and classroom activities, including guidance on how to manage common challenges and adapt activities to specific learning environments, particularly online formats

    2023 300 pp Hardback 978 1 78990 505 2 £110.00 / $160.00


    To order visit www.e-elgar.com or email sales@e-elgar.co.uk quoting the discount code Discount applies to purchases direct from Edward Elgar Publishing and does not apply to the eBook format

    Valid until 31st October 2023

    Also available as a discounted eBook via Google Play: £36.40, also available via ebooks.com, Kobo, and other ebook vendors and to subscribing institutions on Elgaronline



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